Seminar interactiv la disciplina Logistica

Activitățile extracurriculare oferă o posibilitate în plus studenților de a comunica și de a realiza împreună lucruri excepționale.

Saptamâna tineretului, desfășurată în cadrul Facultății Științe Economice în perioada 09.11-21.11.2020 constituie un prilej bun pentru a se desfășura un seminar interactiv la disciplina Logistica (profesor: Bulat Veronica) cu tematica Logistica depozitelor, utilizând metoda Exploziei stelare.

Studenții grupei Mk190A (cu studiere in l. engleză) au dat dovadă de multă creativitate, seriozitate și ingeniozitate în desfășurarea acestei activități.

Este important să manifestăm responsabilitate maximă în prestarea serviciilor educaționale în cadrul învățământului mixt, păstrând nivelul înalt al calității acestora.

Mă bucur, de fiecare data, și sunt, întotdeauna, plăcut surprinsă de realizările studenților nostri din cadrul programului Marketing și logistică.

Extracurricular activities provide an additional opportunity for students to communicate and achieve exceptional things together.

Youth Week, held at the Faculty of Economics  between 09.11-21.11.2020 is a good opportunity to hold an interactive seminar on Logistics (teacher: Bulat Veronica) on Warehouse Logistics, using the method of Star Explosion.

The students of the Mk190A group (studying in English) showed a lot of creativity, seriousness and ingenuity in carrying out this activity. It is important to show maximum responsibility in the provision of educational services in co-education, while maintaining their high level of quality.

I am happy, every time, and I am always pleasantly surprised by the achievements of our students in the Marketing and Logistics program.

The extracurricular activities give students the opportunity to communicate and accomplish great achievements. In the period of 9.11-21.11.2020, the Faculty of Economic Sciences organizes a special event The Youth week. During this week, an interactive seminar at the discipline of Logistics (taught by Bulat Veronica) was held with the generic Warehouses Logistics and implementing the stellar explosion method. The students of the English studying group MK190A ,manifested a great amount of creativity, right attitude and cleverness while developing this activity. It’s very important to show maximum responsibility and maintaining a high quality level when providing educational services in the mixt system of studying. I am very happy and pleasantly surprised every time by the achievements of our students in the marketing and logistics program.

Mixed education – Tips and Tricks

5 rules of successful student!

See how you can be successful in mixed education at the State University of Moldova!

Every circumstance offers a lesson.

The pandemic teaches us to take advantage of every opportunity to work together.

Dear students, cherish these moments!