
Extracurricular activities of students enrolled in Bachelor’s studies, specializing in Marketing and Logistics; Hotel Services, Tourism, and Leisure, as well as those enrolled in Master’s programs: Marketing Studies; Management and Marketing in Hotels and Tourism, play an important role in their personal and professional development. These activities provide opportunities for learning and practical experience that complement the knowledge gained during regular courses. Typically, extracurricular activities can offer students chances to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations. This may include participating in projects, internships, or competitions simulating industry conditions.

Additionally, participation in extracurricular events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, or tutorials provides students with the opportunity to interact with industry professionals, alumni, and peers from other faculties. A significant role is also played by involvement in student organizations, clubs, or projects that offer students opportunities to develop leadership skills and coordinate complex activities. This experience can be valued in the workplace and contribute to career growth.

Participation in extracurricular events and projects significantly contributes to improving students’ communication, presentation, and negotiation skills—essential skills in the marketing and tourism industry. All these activities provide students with the opportunity to build a strong portfolio, which can be a significant advantage when applying for internships or jobs in the field of marketing and tourism.

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