Departamentul Contabilitate si Informatică economică anunță că la data de 17 decembrie 2024, ora 11.00 în sala 321 bloc Central, se va desfășura prezentarea publică a candidaților la concursul pentru ocuparea posturilor didactice de asistent universitar, lector universitar și științifico-didactice de conferențiar Află mai mult…
Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 KA2 – Rolul strategic al funcționarilor publici în adoptarea economiei circulare: integrarea principiilor sustenabile în instituțiile de învățământ superior – PubCirEco
Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 KA2 – Cooperare pentru inovare și schimb de bune practici Consolidarea capacitaților în învățământul superior Număr de referință: 101129166 Titlu, Acronim: Rolul strategic al funcționarilor publici în adoptarea economiei circulare: integrarea principiilor sustenabile în instituțiile de învățământ Află mai mult…
Project BSB00332 “Interdisciplinary Solutions for Smart Sustainable Tourism and Services for Blue Growth in the Black Sea Basin” (INTERSMARTS)
MOLDOVA STATE UNIVERSITY PARTICIPATES IN AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR STRENGTHENING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE TOURISM SECTOR AND ACTIVIZING BLUE GROWTH Moldova State University will participate in an international conference on “Sustainable Tourism and Blue Growth in the Black Sea Region” Află mai mult…
Рroject “Empowering young women: Sustainable livelihoods through tourism”
Moldova State University supports Female Leadership in Tourism through the implementation of the project “EMPOWERING YOUNG WOMEN: SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS THROUGH TOURISM” powered by UN Tourism with funding from the Estonian Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Află mai mult…
Moldova Eco-Tourism Blended Learning Training Program” project
“Moldova Eco-Tourism Blended Learning Training Program” project (the support provided by the USDA Forest Service, International Programs, under Grant Agreement No. 23-IC-11132762-107) (a. 2023-2024) It is well known that some natural areas in the Republic of Moldova are subject to Află mai mult…
The HERIPRENEURSHIP project aims to raise awareness of cultural heritage and prove the economic benefits of its promotion.To prevent brain drain and replace outdated skills and mind-sets with a new, shared vision for development, HERIPRENEURSHIP helps establish a new paradigm Află mai mult…
Project InnoVillage Program – talent scaling for sustainable tourism
The InnoVillage project is implemented in Moldova by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, with financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland from December 2022 to June 2023. The Află mai mult…
The semester project within the Master’s program “Marketing Studies”
The semester project within the Master’s program “Marketing Studies” encompasses a significant aspect of the learning experience. Its purpose is to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the program to solve real-world problems in the field of marketing. Project-Based Află mai mult…
The semester project within the master’s program “Hotel and Tourism Management and Marketing”
The semester project within the master’s program “Hotel and Tourism Management and Marketing” encompasses a significant aspect of the learning experience. Its aim is to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the program to address real challenges in the Află mai mult…